When my roommate, his girlfriend and I had a conversation the other day about the move, they blew off my utter melt-down with the term, "SHIT HAPPENS."
Yep. It does.
For example, I am not going to put my life on hold until February, for anyone, especially a lying, cheating KID.
From this moment forward, I take of ME, first.
I'm FINISHED getting screwed over.
I'm FINISHED getting screwed over.
Today I managed to take the bus to look at another condo, in a better neighborhood, with more amenities and two hundred and fifty bucks LESS RENT.
If all goes well, my new roommate will be a charming female, in her early fifties, who blogs, writes and loves YOGA. She and I hit it off right away. We'll be great roommates.
And, she might become a good friend.
Everything depends on if I can pull it all together to get out by Monday.
We all know that I, most definitely, can and I will.
In the meantime, the kids have my permission to pay my share of the rent/utilities for DECEMBER, with my deposit, then serve me a three day, if they want.
Of course, I'll use the right's in MY FAVOR to fight them all the way to MY bank.
Or. Not.
'Till Next Time!