Friday, February 11, 2011


Hello Fellow Dreamers!

How have you been?  Things are *AWESOME,* as usual over here.  Please accept my apology for skipping Dream Check Friday last week.  I was wicked sick.  In bed, with a fever.  I felt better for a few days, then *BAM* I've been smacked with a stuffy nose and the sniffles AGAIN.  *life of the uninsured AMERICAN*

So, things are progressing smoothly in my world.  There are a couple of exciting things on the agenda for me.

  1. I will be guest posting on my favorite website, (removed) in the next few weeks as an advocate for the outreach community.  I've been asked by gunthar2000.  This is quite an honor for me and I am thrilled to be a part of such a wonderful, important site and community.  Thank you. 
  2. I'm still working out the kinks for The Go-Go Rach BTR show that I have been talking about forever.  I will keep you posted on this one.
  3. I've added a new commenting widget that is supposed to enrich the experience for all of us.  Please let me know what you think about it.  Also, I am concerned that some with older systems may not be able to comment.  PLEASE, let me know if this is the case for you.  I will get rid of it in a HEART BEAT.
  4. I want to provide a collection of resources of stinkin thinkers around the web.  I've added this cool gadget to my page: It is VERY easy to use.  You do not have to register, or anything.  Just put the name of the site, and the url.  That's IT!  And you will be helping others, not to mention helping OUR community get CLOSER.  Please, if you have a blog or a site, I would LOVE TO LINK YOU, so take a TWO seconds to add the link.  Also, if you know of any sites that will be HELPFUL, please add it there, as well.  I know there are a lot of us!  Stinkin-Thinkers *UNITE*
  5. Finally, I lost a few followers to my blog because of my TWIMP GOES THE FRIENDSHIP POST. I COULD CARE LESS ABOUT THE PHONIES who picked a side in something that has nothing to do with them.  I LOVE ALL OF YOU THAT STAYED!  The Go-Go Rach Army (to your right in the sidebar) is looking kinda WEAK.  Please become a follower of my blog, if you like me.  Once I get 100 or more, I will begin contests and give-a-ways open to FOLLOWERS of my blog only.  Thanks VERY MUCH. 

I've been writing up a storm, but need to catch up on work for IWATBR.  My goal is to work on the book at least one hour EVERY DAY.

Work-outs Three this week.

Collect list of stinkin-thinker sites.

Write a BRILLIANT post for ST OUT REACH.

Find a job.

YUP.  I am back in the same situation.  I know, I know.  TWO JOBS did not work out.  The first turned out to be a job I sucked at, the second a job that sucked.

Yup.  I couldn't handle the first job's expectations versus complete lack of training (plus who wants to assist the "relief industries" in helping companies spam people? NOT ME).

The second job required me to show up day after day, on a commission basis, to sling their grant writing services to unsuspecting customers in hopes they would pay an enormous retainer, with the company's promise to give them the highest quality assistance available.  I realized this was a lie when the owner announced the February special was to waive all back end fees.

It doesn't take a genius to figure out all he wants is the retainer, and I refuse to be involved.  I had nightmares that I would get arrested with the rest of the boiler room, when the feds raid the place.

I had to walk away.

The most maddening thing about the whole thing is that I'd be able to live like a QUEEN on $250 a week!  I only have two bills, since I do not do CREDIT.  There has gotta be a no bull shit job somewhere in Vegas that won't cost me an arm and a leg to start (jobs in service industry here require sheriff's card AND health card, AND a TAM card, about $200 or more in total just to apply!).  I need a no-brainer job that will support me while I work on my dreams.

Unfortunately, I'm stuck with a car payment, BUT they are working with me to refinance the disgusting 14.9% interest I signed up for nearly three years ago IN DESPERATION for a car.  Very sad, I have 34 months of PERFECT payment history on that thing $320.00 a month! I just don't have the cash this month.  *shrug*  What are you gonna do?

They are letting me by with just paying the interest ($103.00 BIG HUGE THANKS, AGAIN, MOMMA) and tacking the the payment on the end of my loan (with a ding to my credit report for 30 days late).  So saweet.  I got three years left of this shit to go.  UGH

I bet you think I am driving a BMW, huh?  I should be at that payment.  NOPE.  Just a cute little Ford Focus, that I got roped into buying with a BUNCH OF LIES and promises from

If you live in San Diego, DON'T GO THERE!  They SUCK! On top of lying to me (thanks MIKE and GARY) they stole over $400 from my mother, when I referred her to them (like an idiot, before I knew) for an alarm they sold her for her VW bug, that comes with an alarm already installed from the factory.

They will not refund the money because "the dealership has been sold and that finance person is no longer with us."  *AWESOME* eh?

Well, that is all for me this week.  I know I've asked for a bunch of stuff here.  If you would like me to promote you, or help you out in anyway, please comment below.  I'm always here to help my friends!

What are your goals this week?  Get on the bus.  We are headed to the place DREAMS are made of.

Thanks for your support!
*cheers* to another GREAT WEEK!