Friday, January 28, 2011


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HELLO FELLOW DREAMERS!  HOW WAS YOUR WEEK?Mine was a bit challenging because they are rolling out a new software program at my new job to streamline our process, but there are a lot of kinks still to be worked out.  I did not get to speak with as many prospects as I'd like, but I did a great job with the ones I did talk to, and I'm expecting to receive payment on a huge deal today.  *FINGAS CROSSED*  The cool thing is that they recognized my talent right away, so I did not have to start out in the nosebleed section of the office with the other newbies.  They put me on the "NINJA" team with the cream of the crop, right in the front.  We get bigger desks, and everything.  Life is GOOD!

Okay, onto goals.

Write outline by Sunday
Work-out three times 
Finish Opener

Learning about my new job was the priority this week.  I learned a ton about grants and took several applications from clients this week.  In other words, *I ROCKED THE HOUSE.*  The commissions are gigantic, so I expect to have a big fat check next week.

I have a big chunk of my outline done, but probably should have allowed for more time on this one.  I will finish it up this weekend.

I took Tolstoy for extra long walks three out of five mornings, and did Yoga twice.  I feel better already. *HIGH FIVE*

Make three sales at work
Finish my outline
Work-out three times
Spend at least an hour working on my MS three times this week

That's it for me!  I'm writing a post for tomorrow LIFE'S TOO SHORT TO BE FAT.  I'll talk about the body issues I've dealt with, and what works for me (moved to Tuesday 2/1/11 - Er, cuz I got laid! *happy dance*) .  

How was your week?  What are your goals?  Are you accomplishing your dreams?  Please leave a comment.  I am dying to hear all about what you guys are doing!

Have a GREAT week and THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT!  I love yous!