Go-Go Rach once was a girl who did whatever, wherever, whenever, with whomever, then life kicked her ass. Now, all she wants is peace, love and community. “Home” is closer than ever!
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Hey all! Howsit?
Things with me are fantastic.
Tolstoy and I are getting our own place within one month and I am really feeling much better than I have in a long time. I am in a great shelter program that is bending over backwards to get us all settled into housing ASAP.
I will write more, as I know more. For now, I am staying in Asheville.
That is all I can say.
Aside from that, I need to let you all know that, in spite of Amy Lee Coy's very best effort, my site url was purchased by some big JAPANESE company for an undisclosed amount that I did not receive A DOLLAR from!
Essentially, they stole my identity for their site, in hopes to get my traffic. It is very unfair, but there is nothing in the world I can do about it....
Except, maybe, get rid of gogo rach....this is still up in the air...
Truth be told, I am sick of talking about THE CULT.
If you are desperate, it works, and need it - GO! I could care less!
Also, this past year has made me realize there is a lot more to MY LIFE than trying to change an institution that SUCKS.
The horrendous thing about it is how hard I worked and the fact that this company stole that blood and sweat for their own benefit with no consideration FOR ME.
This is a primary example of GREED that I HATE.
What can I do?
Except spend the hours it will take to remove myself off line, then come up with a whole new identity....
I might...
BTW, the company that swiped my url sells doggie clothes, which happens to be the EXACT THING my step mother does. Save yourself some time and check out her site, instead at: Cocogirls.net - her stuff is gorgeous, reasonably priced and HAND MADE! (Love ya!)
Stay tuned.
Love and miss all of you.
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