Friday, May 27, 2011


Great Job, Cuntessa! 

Dear Friends, Enemies and Folks Who Found Me By Mistake,

It is with great regret, that I have decided to stop posting on this blog.  I have no idea if this is a permanent decision.  I may start posting again in the future. I may not. I may start another blog someday.  I may not. 

It all depends on how life plays out for Go-Go Rach.  

For now, I gotta focus on what's important (thanks I + R), which is getting my shit together and building my new, CULT FREE life in the REAL WORLD.

This blog has taken over every single second of my time for more than six months.  It is my passion, hope, and the reason I get up in the morning.  It's too bad it can't pay the rent.  I wish I could keep it up, but I gotta make a living, somehow, my darlings.

As you know, this is an Anti-12 Step blog, which brings a whole set of challenges to my life, including a lot of Go-Go Rach bashing that is just uncalled for; however, it is the way of WAR.

I'm up for the fight, but not like this. Oh, HOW I WISH I COULD keep turning up the HEAT.  I'd be cheating myself and you all if I don't get myself together.

We deserve better.

I intend to *BRING IT.* 

The nature of and my current situation has made it impossible to work on my first priority, which is writing my memoir, I WAS A TEEN AGED BANK ROBBER.  I must focus my writing time and energy on this project.  

I've put it off too many times in favor of my posting schedule!

This blog has been one of the best experiences of my life.  I never thought my site would turn into the POWERHOUSE it is. 

I'm grateful for the opportunity to share my experience, strength and hope with you all, as I continue to recover from my supposed "recovery" in Alcoholics Anonymous.

I've cherished every single comment, email, and "like" from all of you. I used to think I had nothing to offer to anyone. You guys have shown me that's not true.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I sincerely appreciate yous.

I found my purpose in life here, which is quite a gift for someone like me. I spent most of my time on this planet lost, confused and useless.

*Now I am not.*

Make no mistake, I'm committed to make changes in the treatment industry. You have my word. I'm not giving up, just adjusting my time to be more productive under my current situation. 

I need to HEAL from the shit I've been through.  

I thought I could skip it, but it's not working out that way, unfortunately.

The latest challenge calls for therapy. I can't do this one alone. It's just too much.  I'm so sorry to disappoint you.

Leaving THE CULT is a process that takes time. It's hard for anyone to do, under normal circumstances.  It's even harder for someone whose life was turned upside down in an instant, like mine recently was.

Homeless, broke and alone is not where I ever thought I'd be three weeks away from my 40th birthday.  It is what it is, but I need to focus every bit of my energy on getting well.

I left Alcoholics Anonymous for a reason, then jumped right into the #revolution quickly afterwards.  It was great, while everything was okay.  Now it's taking away from me getting on with my life.  I need to set it all aside, while I fix it.

I know, I know. It does SUCK ASS!

For the moment, I need a full time income, place to live and a new way to Go-Go anywhere I need or want to be.

My incredible father has offered to help any way he can (BIG FAT THANK YOU, DAD!).

And, I've been offered a job out of the blue (yesterday). My old boss emailed to see if I would like to sell SAT PREP again starting June 1.

Of course I said HELLS YES! (Thanks so much, J!) I made pretty good money the last time I did it. Fingers crossed, that will happen again.

Wouldn't that be *WONDERBA?*  I think so.

I do have freelance editing and writing stuff coming in, which I expect to continue (hit me up, if you need a kick-ass editor or writer!). 

I have no choice but to remain in Vegas for the Summer (gag me with a fucking spoon), where I intend to write my book, sell the hell out of the greatest SAT Program available and provide exceptional freelance service.  

My next project is called REVOLUTIONARY RECOVERY substance abuse is a short term problem that is absolutely fixable, but the twelve step model limits with a bunch of labels and a cookie cutter solution that fails most of the time! I think it's high time for a change.  How about you?

Change takes time and money.  If you can spare it, please donate to the REVOLUTIONARY RECOVERY PROJECT by clicking the donate button at the top of the side bar on the right side of the site.

Every little bit helps and will be used to build and maintain the REVOLUTIONARY RECOVERY site (under construction), and supplies necessary to get this project off the ground! 

Eventually, I'd like to hold seminars across the country and meet with fellow VICTIMS OF THE CULT. An RV is perfect! I'm saving up. CFW Peeps!  :D

All I want to do is write, edit, paint, make movies and meet the people I fell in love with online - oh, and one more thing, I WANT CHANGE THE WORLD - one substance abuser at a time! 

Before I say good-bye, I'd like to leave you with a few nuggets I've learned a long the way.
  1. If you change your mind, you can change your life.
  2. Alcoholic, Addict, Disease, Powerlessness, etc. are all lies that you can DECIDE not to believe or live.
  3. Practice makes PERFECT.
  4. It takes 21 days to make or break any habit.
  5. We teach people how to treat us - don't be afraid to say "it's none of your business."  You'll be amazed.
  6. People SHOW us who they are - believe them the first time they do, not based on what is SAID - talk is CHEAP.
  7. Ask "WHY?" You have a right to know, no matter what anyone tells you. And, this question is the real, PERMANENT solution to substance abuse problems.
  8. A daily gratitude list instigates miracles.
  9. Lying is stupid.
  10. What other people think and say about you is NOT IMPORTANT or any of your concern.  What is important is what YOU think and WANT - it's YOUR LIFE.
  11. Anything is possible, when you set your mind to it.  LIVE THE DREAM! Even in my situation, I believe it.  I hope you do, too!
  12. YOU ARE WONDERFUL, SPECIAL AND DESERVE TO BE HAPPY.  Figure out what works for YOU, then do it!
  13. Lastly and most important, life is SHORT and YOU ARE THE ONE WHO WILL REMEMBER IT! How do you want yours to look? 
You have the RIGHT to live YOUR way without permission from anyone, but YOU! #livelikeumeanit

Well, I guess I'm all packed up and ready to go, peeps!

Don't be sad.  My book will be published soon enough!


Take it easy, peeps. 

And for fuck's sake,


P.S.  No matter what happens, I will keep this site and all SoMe attached to it live for reference.  There are over 100 great articles on  

If you're new, or even if you aren't, take some time to poke around!  I promise you will have fun!

Also, I will post information about any new sites, or blogs here and respond to comments or emails, as time allows.  If you'd like to be in "the know" on what's up, join The Go-Go Rach Army via the Google Follow gadget located on the bottom of the side bar to the right.

(NOTE:  Follower gadget isn't working for some reason - there must be a blogspot issue?  IDK. Check back soon! :D). 

Or you are welcome to subscribe via email (Gimme Rach!), which will send a lovely message to your inbox any time I publish something new.

I will be checking in on the Facebook, the twitter and reading your blogs.  So don't be a stranger.  OK-BYE. 

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