Okay, so I do not want to alarm you, but I have an announcement to make on this lovely Thanksgiving evening. Brace yourself. This may come as a big surprise. Drum Roll Please. Ahem.
Go-Go Rachness extends far beyond spewing hate, anger and wrath towards my nemesis' on this blog.
It's true. I am also a loving, compassionate, loyal, trustworthy, responsible adult who is actually quite happy with my life, myself and the people I associate with. In a word: balance.
A fundamental part of my remaining on the level is for me to practice gratitude on a daily basis. One of the few helpful things I learned in the cult of AA was the custom of writing a gratitude list in the morning while I have coffee. I will forever do this because there is nothing like starting the day off with my mind focused on what makes me happy.
I've carried a notebook for everything (yeah, I know, ALL us creatives do) for as long as I can remember. Most of my ideas come in the morning (even though, my morning is sometimes in the afternoon). This is when I like to organize my day. My gratitude list is the first thing I accomplish EVERY DAY, which serves as a wonderful passage to noting whatever free form creation is erupting in my brain when I am just getting out of bed.
I'm not hard on myself about what I write. My goal is to jot down just five things (they don't even have to be admirable). I swear, this minor ritual keeps me in a good place, even when I am down. No matter what's going on in my life, I can ALWAYS come up with this short list. My goal is to make sure I DO IT, even if I just write the same trite list every day for a month (or more, sometimes). Repetition is GOOD, not to mention infinitely easier to deal with than wrestling depression ANY TIME.
On the night before Thanksgiving, I look at my lists again to remind myself of the things I mentioned over and over throughout the previous year, then I whittle my entries down to the ten things that I am most grateful for. While I drink my Thanksgiving coffee, I put my list on paper to be read to whomever I am lucky enough to feast with on this most joyous holiday. My fondest memories are when I have been able to persuade my fellow diners to join me in this tradition. It's pretty frickin' cool. I encourage you to try it.
Okay, so without further ado, I humbly share my 2010 Thanksgiving Gratitude List with you as my way of showing my deep sense of appreciation for all the ways I am truly blessed.
1. My Momma - Without her, I would be the homeless, starving artist, bum that I probably deserve to be.
2. My *TRUE* friends - I've found out who you are this year and I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!
3. My talents - Without them I would be in the nut house, for sure.
4. My Pug, Tolstoy - Seriously, this dog has kept me alive so many times in so many ways. DOGS RULE!
5. My zest for learning - Opportunities are EVERYWHERE and I take advantage.
6. My car - 31 months of perfect payment history, four wheels and a means to travel wherever, whenever.
7. Minimalism - Letting go is an art form that I have learned to ENJOY.
8. The bitches who mugged me in Oakland, CA. - I would never know the joy of being "cell free" had you not jacked my brand new phone in May. I hope to never carry one of those nasty critters again.
9. Survival - To put it mildly, this year has been fucking crazy! I made it because I am one tough BITCH.
10. And last, but NOT least, I have to thank my final sponsor in the cult of AA for teaching me things that I will NEVER forget. ( read all about her right here: SOMEONE PLEASE PUT A WARNING LABEL ON THAT BITCH)
That's What's Up!
These are the things I am MOST grateful for. How about you? What's on your gratitude list this year?
Live Like You Mean It! Go-Go Rach